List of Fruits That Ends With um

List of Fruits That Ends With um

Fruits are nature’s amazing gifts to humans. They come in various colors, flavors and textures. This variety in flavors, and nutrients is an essential part of daily diet.

Here are Some Fruits That Ends with ‘um’.

1. Plum

Scientific Name : Prunus domestica


Plum is a sweet and juicy fruit. It comes in different colors like red, yellow, green, etc. The color depends on the variety of plum.

It can be eaten fresh, dried, or used in jams, jellies, and desserts. Plum juice can be used to make plum wine or Umeshu (japanese liqueur).

2. Aprium 

Scientific Name : Prunus salicina x Prunus armeniaca


Aprium fruit is a hybrid fruit that’s a cross between an apricot and a plum. It is more like an apricot in both flavor and texture.

Apriums are in season from late spring to late summer. These fruits can be eaten fresh but the same as Plum it can also be used in desserts, jams, and preserves.

3. Nonda Plum

Scientific Name : Parinari nonda

Nonda Plum

The Nonda plum is a unique tropical fruit that is native to northern Australia and parts of Papua New Guinea. Its tree can reach up to 10 meters.

The fruit is small, usually around 2–3 cm in diameter, and has a tough, leathery peel that can range in color from yellow to orange.

It can be eaten raw  or dried for later use. In some regions, the seeds are roasted and ground into a nutritious paste. 

4. Beach Plum

Scientific Name : Prunus maritima

Beach Plum

The beach plum is a small fruit-bearing shrub native to coastal areas of the northeastern United States. It typically grows 3 to 6 feet tall, with dense, thorny branches and glossy green leaves.

By late summer, when the fruits appear – small, round berries that range in color from deep purple to red and yellow. Although they can be eaten raw, due to their pungency they are more commonly used in jams, jellies and sauces.

5. Coco Plum

Scientific Name : Chrysobalanus icaco

Coco Plum

The coco plum is a tropical fruit native to the coastal regions of the Americas. The cocoa plum fruit is small, usually round or oval, and can range in color from white to purple or black when fully ripe.

Cocoa plums are often eaten fresh or made into jams, jellies, and preserves. The fruit can also be used in desserts, sauces, and beverages. Its seed is edible once ripe and has a nutty flavor.

6. Ground Plum or Buffalo Plum

Scientific Name : Astragalus crassicarpus

Ground Plum

The ground plum, also known as the buffalo bean or prairie turnip, is a native North American plant that produces a small, edible fruit.

The fruit is round, green to purple in color, and resembles small berries, although they belong to the legume family. 

7. Japanese Plum

Scientific Name : Prunus salicina

Japanese Plum

The Japanese plum is a fruit that is native to China, but is also cultivated extensively in Japan and other parts of the world. 

Japanese plums come in many colors, from deep purple and red to yellow or orange. Inside, the pulp is usually golden, juicy and sweet. Fresh plums can be eaten raw or added to salads and desserts. They are also popular in jams, jellies, and sauces.

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